Scholarships / Bursaries
Scholarships are ordered by deadline |
General Scholarships
Scholarship Website |
Deadline |
Selection Criteria (open links/website) |
Full tuition, travel costs and living allowance for 3 years |
Submit two months prior to the start of the academic year |
Students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and the ability to excel at Cambridge University. Intellectual depth and personal integrity are key requirements and should be reflected in their grades and letters of recommendation. |
Loran Award and Canadian Moorehead Scholarship
$3,000 up to $64,000 |
October Sponsored applicants see Guidance first week of October |
Academic average of 85% or higher. Candidates should be outstanding students who demonstrate character, promise of leadership, and strong commitment to service in the community. Two dues dates: sponsored applicants and direct pool applicants |
October |
Scholarships of up to $10,000 are awarded to full-time students in their terminal year of high school with financial need (family income under $65,000) who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, a commitment to pursue a post-secondary education, a desire to contribute to society, and a good academic record. |
up to $ 70,000.00 |
November |
Demonstrated outstanding community leadership in balance with good academic achievement. Up to 20 scholarships awarded nationally |
December |
Are you creative, innovative, connected? Are you embarking on a career in communications, technology, design, video production, photography or marketing? Do you belong to a diverse group? CNS is offering three, $1,000 bursaries to students from designated groups enrolled in a post-secondary education program. The bursaries will be awarded in the categories of Images, Words and Ideas. |
December |
Candidates will be evaluated on their academic achievements and records and participation in school and community activities. Students do not have to be employed at a Burger King restaurant to be eligible but there are additional scholarships for employees. |
$60,000 |
Early January
resume and reference letters to the Guidance Office to be considered for nomination |
Schulich Leaders are selected by the universities. In order to become a Schulich Leader, one must be a Schulich Leader Nominee enrolling in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and MathematicsThe student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and possess at least two of the three following attributes: - Exceptionally high academic grades - Demonstrated leadership in school life and community life, or provided evidence of entrepreneurial talent (Schulich Leader Nominees must provide two written references with at least one academic) - Financial need Students wishing to be considered for nomination must submit their resume and two reference letters (at least one academic) to their Guidance Counsellor by early January |
up to $7,000 / year |
Check website in Nov Due February |
Candidate should demonstrate the highest ideals and qualities of citizenship, courage in overcoming obstacles, involvement in voluntary humanitarian and community work, and participation in sport and fitness |
Phillip W. Oland and J.P. McCarthy Scholarships - St FX
Mid February to Guidance Office |
For students with high scholastic standing and demonstrated leadership ability. Renewable for four years at $6,000 per year. *The school can only nominate one student in the top 1% - 2% of the grade 12 class. If you wish to be considered for nomination please submit your resume to your guidance counselor by deadline |
The Zonta club of Halifax Scholarships |
February |
The Young Women in Public Affairs Award Program: The Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Program offers recognition and awards at district and international level for outstanding young women who are making a difference in their world through service. The winner will be awarded $1,000. |
March |
Applicant must be a Co-op Atlantic member or a dependant of a current Co-op Atlantic member or employee or a full-time or part-time employee. Applicants are judged on their application including a formal written essay. They should be able to demonstrate knowledge of co-operative issues and/or organizations, have good academic performance and have demonstrated community/school involvement. |
Leonard Foundation Scholarship
$1,000 - $1,500 |
March |
Preference will be given to daughters or sons of ordained clergy, licensed elementary or secondary school teachers, Canadian military personnel, graduates of a Canadian Military College, members of the Engineering Institute of Canada and members of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Canada Successful applicants are expected to obtain employment during free time to help defray the costs of their education. In addition, they must participate regularly in athletic, fitness or military activities. Personal qualities showing a potential for leadership are also a requirement. Application Form can be forwarded for consideration only through a Nominator. Select one nearest you and call for an appointment. This must be done before March 15. The earlier, the better but not before January |
Knights of Columbus $1,000 scholarship and $500 bursary |
March |
Open to practicing Catholics of good moral character who are residents of Nova Scotia and are planning to attend University, Community College or Private College. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and on high academic standing. Applications must be delivered to Alvin Cameron Knights of Columbus Council#7077 29 Coles Road, Lr. Sackville, NS, B4C1T9 See Guidance for applications |
Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. Scholarship Several $1,000 scholarships available |
March |
Learning financial skills is crucial to future financial freedom. Since 2004 Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. (CCSAC) has awarded $71,000 to students across Atlantic Canada. With several $1,000 scholarships available annually, we continue to provide students with the tools to minimize their post-secondary debt and to use credit wisely |
March |
Open to students who are passionate about their field of study, curious, courageous and willing to try new things, caring about their family, neighborhood and community; and truly interested in becoming involved and making a difference in society. University and Skilled Trades scholarships |
Dr. P Anthony Johnstone Scholarship
$6,000 |
March |
A graduate of a Nova Scotia high school in this academic year (not as a result of upgrading) planning to attend a Maritime Provinces university in the fall. Student must have a demonstrated interest in multiculturalism and human rights. Applications available at |
Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund for Indigenous Students |
March |
Seeking exemplary Indigenous high school leaders to apply for theTed Rogers Scholarship Fund (For Indigenous Students). This award is for students entering their first year in full time studies in a two-year college diploma program or a four-year undergraduate program at a Canadian accredited college or university. Applicants MUST have strong leadership skills and commitment to their school and community. The application process and simple application can be found at $2500 (renewable) |
East Coast Credit Union |
March |
To be eligible for an East Coast Credit Union bursary, the applicant must: 1. Be a member or the child or grandchild of a member or employee/board member of East Coast Credit Union. 2. Be enrolled full-time for your first year at an accredited vocational program, college or university for the upcoming academic year 3. Complete the application and submit it before the deadline 4. Be a Canadian citizen Students will complete the application via Survey Monkey. Here is the direct link to our website page that hosts the bursary package: Nine bursaries at $1000 (for members of ECCU or their children/grandchildren); and one (for a child/grandchild of ECCU staff or board members) |
March |
Nova Scotia Power supports a number of scholarships at educational institutions province-wide for students in trades and degree programs. To learn more about the scholarships they offer view the link to the left. |
April |
Scholarships are open to girl and adult members who are pursuing post-secondary education at a recognized college, university or trades program. Whether you're studying engineering, education, political science, or anything in between, there's a scholarship that's right for you! Guiding involvement and participation are important criteria in the awarding of National Scholarships. Scholarships are available for both full-time and part-time studies. |
April |
Bedford Players will present one $1000.00 scholarship to a student who will be attending a post-secondary theatre arts program. |
Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship |
April |
The Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship will offer post-secondary grant(s) to former or present IWK patients, who are entering any year of post-secondary studies. The required essay and reference letters will form the basis of adjudication of the award according to the following weighted criteria: Minimum school average of 75 20% Community involvement (both with IWK and beyond) 30% How the scholarship will make a difference to them 25% Why the IWK is special to them 20% Hopes & dreams for the future 5% Applications can be downloaded at $2500 (minimum) |
Friends of Sable Island Society |
April |
The Friends of Sable Island Society offers a scholarship to promote learning and awareness about Canada’s 43rd National Park. The award is open to all grade 12 students in the NS school system entering a post secondary institution with an average of at least 75%. Information on submission requirements and relevant areas of interest, along with the application form can be found at $1000 |
Royal Canadian Legion – Jack Moore and AIL Insurance Bursary
$500 |
April |
Awarded to N.S. students planning to attend a post-secondary institution on a full time basis. Bursaries are awarded on a point system that is based on financial need, with special consideration given to children of Veterans. See Guidance for application |
Royal Canadian Legion – Elsie Jean Lambert Scholarship
$1,000 |
April |
Awarded to N.S. students planning to attend a post-secondary institution on a full time basis. Bursaries are awarded on a point system that is based on financial need, with special consideration given to children of Veterans. |
Wales Scholarship
$6,000 |
April |
A disabled resident of Nova Scotia Starting post-secondary education in Nova Scotia (University, Community College or Private College) |
PAANS - Partnership for Access Awareness of NS - Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Eleven of $1500 |
April |
To be considered, scholarship applicants must: |
$1000 |
April |
deGarthe Art Scholarship |
EnCana High School Scholarship
$10,000 ($2,500 renewable over four years) |
April |
For students entering university programs in engineering, geology or geophysics or a technical or trades program relative to the oil and gas industry. Must demonstrate solid academic performance, community involvement, and leadership. |
April |
The Jordan Boyd Leadership Award & Scholarship has been established to recognize individuals in amateur hockey, in the form a series of scholarships, who have demonstrated a passion for sportsmanship, learning, leadership and community. These qualities reflect those found in Jordan.The Award & Scholarship was established in 2013 shortly after Jordan’s passing. Since that time 14 student athletes have received a Jordan Boyd Leadership Award & Scholarship.Awards are paid directly to the post secondary institution upon proof of successful completion of the first semester. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:
April |
We’re proud to support a number of scholarships at educational institutions province-wide for students in trades and degree programs. To learn more about the scholarships we offer, view any of the links to the left or click here to view current scholarship openings. |
Michelin Female Technical Initiative Bursary Program 2 X $2,500 |
April |
Awarded to female students enrolling in eligible programs at NSCC. Applicants will submit an essay describing why they are interested in a career at Michelin. Selection is based on content of essay, academic ability, and character, demonstration of teamwork and leadership skills. |
Black Educators Association Bursaries for African NS Learners
April |
BEA Scholarship Book for High School (Download Now) Black Educators Association Bursaries for African NS Learners |
May |
All competitive amateur swimmers registered with Swim Nova Scotia that are graduating high school will be eligible to submit applications; they must intend to further their education and continue to swim competitively with a Nova Scotia University program that is affiliated with the AUS. |
Pengrowth Nova Scotia Energy Scholarship Program |
May |
Awarded annually to students completing grade 12 at a Nova Scotia high school with the intent to pursue energy-related studies at university The program also offers non-renewable $2,500 scholarships for first-year students accepted to eligible energy-related trades and technology programs at the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) $2500 renewable over four years ($10,000 total) |
Royal Canadian Legion Calais Branch 162 Sackville NS Bursary |
May |
Calais Branch 162 established 8 $1000 bursaries to assist 1st year deserving students to pursue career goals at recognized post secondary institutions in Canada. Applications are open to relatives or dependents of veterans, retired Military personal or those serving in the Armed Forces. Legion Calais 162 see guidance for apps |
$500 |
May |
Open to students planning to continue their education after high school. Application is to be accompanied by a transcript and a letter stating interests, future plans and financial status. Applicant and family must be in financial need Applications available online |
May |
This scholarship is available only to Grade 12 students who are planning on pursuing post secondary education in a Department/Faculty of Engineering or departments of Geology or Geophysics in Nova Scotia. Disbursed in payment of $2500per year for up to four years to a maximum of $10 000. Apply online click here |
May |
The Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council is proud to support initiatives that encourage individuals to pursue and enhance their professional careers within the Nova Scotia Tourism Industry. |
Halifax County local NSTU Bursary |
May |
All Halifax County local members with children graduating high school are eligible to apply for a bursary from the Local. . To be considered students must write a max 400 word essay o explaining: 1) Why you would be an outstanding candidate for the Halifax County bursary. 2) How the bursary will enhance your post secondary learning experience. |
Stepping Stone Bursary (Black Cultural Society of N.S.)
(renewable) |
May |
Awarded to an African Nova Scotian student who is enrolling full time at NSCC. Must have demonstrated financial need, a consistently good academic standing, and have demonstrated involvement in the community through extra-curricular activities and/or community service. |
EANS - Epilepsy Association of NS Scholarship and Bursary |
May |
EANS Memorial Scholarships and The James Russell Kline Memorial Bursary and the Jesse Payne Memorial Bursary. Four scholarships of $500 |
Karen Oxley Kennedy Memorial Vocal Scholarship
Kaye Dimock Pottie Scholarship
Chalmers Doane Scholarship |
May |
Open to graduating students going on to further full-time study in music beginning the next academic year immediately following their graduation from high school, Applications should include: |
May |
Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarships are available to eligible students entering their first year of post-secondary education in agriculture at a recognized Canadian educational institution |
B.Davis Scholarship |
May |
This Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any post secondary institution.
Please visit our website at to read about us and to apply for our scholarship |
N.S. Fruit Growers Assoc. Bursary $500 |
May |
Open to students entering a post-secondary program in the field of tree fruit production or a related science program (biology, chemistry, food science, plant science, environmental science, business or agri-business. Priority will be given to a child of a member of the NSFGA. Criteria include academic achievement, participation in school and community activities, and interest in the tree fruit industry. |
May |
4x$1500 scholarships are offered to students who would like to continue their studies to University or College in Nova Scotia. These scholarships are open to any resident of Nova Scotia who has Canadian citizenship and is of Lebanese decent. |
African Nova Scotian Students University Entrance Scholarships |
May |
Available to African Nova Scotian (Black) students who have successfully completed Grade 12 in the Nova Scotia school system within the current year who have been accepted into, and will attend university in the academic year immediately following Grade 12.In Addition, applicants must: have obtained an average of 75% or higher in five Grade 12 academic courses including the compulsory course of English 12 and any four others from the Nova Scotia school system |
CFIG Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers National Scholarship |
May |
CFIG will award a National Scholarship of $10,000 and Regional Scholarships of $2,000 in each of the High School and College/University categories. Scholarship applications are evaluated based on an essay submission that demonstrates the student’s understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of the independent grocer in Canada, as well as academic and personal achievements. |
May |
The CCS is offering a $1,000.00 bursary to a student from the Cobequid area of the Halifax Regional Municipality who will be attending a full-time, post-secondary program focusing on visual & performing arts. |
May |
The Walmart Canada Community Scholarship Program offers educational grants to graduating high school students who aspire to continue their education at the college or university level. A total of six awards will be given away, two per region: Eastern Canada (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Quebec), Ontario and Western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut). |
April |
Age: 16-18 years at the time of application, High school. (Grade11 and 12) |
April |
A Grade 12 student in Nova Scotia who has demonstrated a commitment to the environment through your school or community? Divert NS is offering $20,000 in scholarships to students who have exemplified leadership in protecting our environment. |
It’s Your Future Scholarship Program 6 scholarships of $2000 |
June |
TANS (The Information Technology Industry Alliance of NS) |
Marion Sweet Memorial Bursary - Trappers Association of N.S. $500 |
June |
Available to trappers, members of the Trappers Association, dependents of the Trappers Association or dependants of active trappers. Must be enrolled in an institute of higher learning. Requires candidate to write an essay on trapping and the use of fur in today's society. |
AHEPA Scholarship $1000 |
June |
Provided by the Anglo-Hellenic Educational and Progressive Association to a student of Hellenic (Greek) heritage who is applying to attend university next year. Must have a minimum average of 85%. Applications in the guidance office or email Peter Delefes at . |
YMCA Langille Scholarship $1000
June |
The YMCA Langille Scholarship is made possible through the generosity of a YMCA donor and supporter. This is available for Y-involved youth (18 to 29 years) who demonstrate the need for assistance as they further their post-secondary education. Please visit our website for applications and further information:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=43&cntnt01origid=15&cntnt01returnid=67
Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program $1000 |
June |
Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue with our annual scholarship program. |
BigSun Scholarship $500 |
June |
Big Sun Scholarship |
The Encana Native Council Opportunities Fund (ENCOF) |
June |
The Encana Native Council Opportunities Fund (ENCOF) at the Native Council of Nova Scotia. |
June |
Four awards of $1,500 given each year to children of NUPGE members |
African United Baptist Assoc. Scholarship |
July |
Applicant must have been a resident of Nova Scotia for the past 5 years and a member / adherent of a Church within the African United Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. |
St Paul's Home Award for Education and Training |
July |
Open to students who have resided in one of the Phoenix Residential Programs or who have accessed Phoenix Youth Programs. |
July |
Applicant must be an African Nova Scotian (Black) student applicant must be enrolled on a full-time basis in the first or second year of a recognized university degree program (i.e. Bachelor of Music) have a concentration in one of the performing arts genre, i.e. music, voice, dance, theatrical performances; have demonstrated qualities of performing arts through participation in student activities and community affairs |
August |
Applicant must be an African Nova Scotian (Black) student applicants must be enrolled full-time in an approved Community College, Private Career College, or Trade School |
$500 |
October |
Application Process - Students will submit an essay on one of the two topics that appear on the scholarship page of our web site |
Communications Nova Scotia Diversity Bursary $1,000. |
October |
Awarded to students from diverse backgrounds who are working towards careers in communications-related fields. This includes public relations, photography, audio visual arts, filmmaking, web-related careers, graphic design, etc. For more information and applications please visit: